Well, I am just really getting the hang of this whole "family" thing... It's just been Logan and I in our "home" for so long... it's different to stretch things out to 5 people instead of 2! I love how the boys want to hang out together and do boy things - how Logan loves to teach Spencer how to flip the end of his skateboard up... how Grant runs along behind the other two - trying his best to keep up... and just watching those three enjoy each other. It makes my heart full!
an added note... pray for a decision that Scott & I are trying to make regarding my career. As you know - I am in school getting my Master's in counseling - and I know that God has called me to this - NO DOUBTS... but, I just had someone make a suggestion to me that really seemed to make some sense & Scott & I are throwing the idea around in our heads and praying about what it would look like for us:
With the type of work I have done since I received my bachlors degree in Psychology... I would be able to sit for my Licensed Social Workers (LSW). Some of you know - how I have a really hard time with my current type of job - because it is so political & such a downer - when you have to fight to keep other agencies from stealing your patients and you have so many other players that don't operate with the same set of rules - they have no integrity... It wears me down - and really makes me border on a low level of depression - because I can't do what I truly feel called to do - which is focus on the patient and HELP THEM... The problem with changing jobs (again) is that there are few j0bs that have a comparable income - that wouldn't require a lot of schooling, etc. After visiting with one of my contacts - she suggested - why don't you just sit for the Social Workers exam... and then, you can get a job doing what you love -
The income is comparable - and there are ways to make the hours flexible enough to stay in school and have time for my family too... pray that if this is what God is wanting from me - that he will open those doors easily - and show me the path... and that it will fit perfectly with the plans that Scott & I have for another small business we are looking to start... Thanks guys - love you all!
Awwwwww, love my boys !!! They look like they're either pooped or deep into some movie.
I'll be saying a prayer for you in making your decisions re:work choices. I'm rootin' for ya!!
Mom :)
thanks mom... I can always count on you being in my corner rootin' me on :o)
hey Nikki, love your site and your little family looks so great. you know social workers have lots of hard work to but you would be great at it. I know career and family is hard to manage but you can do it!!! I am so excited to see your wedding pix. I just thought you were so beautiful, you know you have always been like a second daughter to me.. I love you, kathy
I love you back aunt Kathy! I can't wait to see our wedding pictures too... I don't have them yet - but if you go to my friend's page... "jeremy & misti" - she has a few posted. She was my extra shooter for the main photographer - and posted a few on her page under her blogs... They are great!
I am so thankful you were able to be at my wedding - and I have always cherished our relationship! You are my second mom :o)
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