Pangle Paradise

Pangle Paradise
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

He's playing football... aaahhhhhh!

My baby is playing football! Well, okay - I know he is not a "baby" anymore... but he will always be MY baby. And now, I get to watch him get hit on the football field. He is playing for the CCA 6 man team - and he LOVES IT! All this time of practice toward the end of summer - it's been difficult to make myself go watch. I squint my eyes while he leans over to get in a tackling position for offensive lineman. I just have such a hard time watching him run head first into a group of guys ~ knowing that it's inevitable ~ he will most likely be going down to the ground... HIT. OR... he will be pulling someone else to the ground. Last week at practice ~ he came home telling me how he tackled the best player on the team! This year he is on the second string - as are all the 6th grade boys. These second string boys are getting lots of play time... and scrimmaging against the first string players a lot. He was proud to share how ~ he just held on tight and wouldn't let go ~ until the other guy (the "best player on the team") was down on the ground. (one of the other mom's let me know later - he was a little rattled afterward, because he hit HARD with this other kid). I was such a proud mom - as he shared his experience with me... BUT, I need to wear a restraint suit to the game... so as to not run out onto the field to scoop up my baby and take him back to the bleachers ~ We love Coach O'Conner... and this past week ~ CCA won our first scrimmage against Fort Worth Academy. GO CRUSADERS! I guess it gets easier as the season goes on... I'm just glad he is LOVIN' life!


NanaBanana said...

YEYYYYyyyy Crusaders!!

love the pics!!

Love Nanabanana

Audra Cain said...

Hi Guys! This is Brett. Nicole, I hear your new hubby, Scott, knows a bit about triathelons. If so, I have some questions- I am doing my first at the end of October. Would you please ask him to give a call at (817)223-1738. Please tell Logan hello and I can't wait to watch him play football!